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Initiating the Digital Conversation: Tips for Local Media Sellers

Thursday, September 19 at 2 p.m. EDT

(11 a.m. PDT)

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Gain tips and insights for local digital sales experts on how to initiate the digital conversation powerfully!

Discussing digital advertising with customers requires a strategic approach. When you do it well, you have a greater opportunity to win digital ad dollars while protecting those they’re spending on radio.

No matter how much the business knows or doesn’t know about digital, you can make the first conversation compelling and relevant. This can turn into a long-term relationship that boosts revenue for you and campaign performance for them.

Join us for this event, hosted by two seasoned experts on local digital ad sales!

What we’ll cover:

  • The local digital ad forecast, opportunities and competition
  • Due diligence in prospecting
  • Asking the right questions

We’ll also host a live Q&A at the end.



Jeff Ulrich
Director of sales enablement, Marketron


Rachel Lepchitz
Manager of client development, Marketron