Nurturing Revenue Growth for Radio
Radio’s roots are strong and resilient but need new growth. This includes new revenue streams and connected, modern technology. Marketron is helping radio grow from its strong roots to a fruitful future.
Meet with us at NAB to discuss your future, challenges and solutions. Complete the form below, and we’ll be in touch to schedule a time with you in our hospitality suite at the Encore. Available days are April 6-8.
Use code NS4332 when registering here.

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with Us

More Ways to See Marketron at NAB
NAB Small and Medium Market Radio Forum
Saturday, April 5, 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
We’re excited to sponsor this radio kickoff event once again at NAB. Join your small and medium market radio colleagues for an afternoon of business insights, topic briefings, interactive roundtables and more! (Additional registration required). We’ll be hosting roundtable discussion on digital.

The Secret to Radio’s Digital Ad Success Is Being Local-First
In 2025, local digital ad spending will overtake traditional. Radio spots will remain primarily flat, with declines in other traditional categories. This represents an opportunity but also a concern for stations worried about radio spot declines. Let’s discuss how the new approach can be local-first, which enables sellers to design long-term, multi-tactic radio and digital campaigns that meet the goals of the advertiser.
The Local Advertising Buying Landscape: What Are Clients Buying, and How Are Radio Sellers Succeeding or Missing Out?
Sunday, April 6, 11:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.
Join us for this session to explore the trends in local advertising buys from the Borrell-RAB annual digital sales for radio benchmarking report. Dustin Wilson, Senior director of digital strategy at Marketron, will share his insights.

Radio Roundtable: What Makes Digital Sales Training Successful for Radio?
Monday, April 7, 11:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.
More radio stations are training sellers on digital and doing so regularly. However, this hasn’t necessarily translated to sales success. Join Marketron’s Senior manager of client onboarding and development Travis Cartier as he reviews trends, perceptions and the pillars that stations should place at the foundation of digital sales training. The session will provide you with specific takeaways to refresh your training strategies and how to measure effectiveness.

On the Exhibit Floor
Stop by and see us at the ENCO booth W1743. We’ll be sharing our expanded partnership and product solutions for radio revenue technology.